Saturday, December 1, 2018

Advent Waiting: Has God Forgotten?

Advent is defined as "the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event." Within church culture, we specifically view the four Sundays before Christmas as Advent. We count down with remembrance and thanksgiving (sometimes with prayer and fasting) for the gift given to all humanity in the person, Jesus Christ. Simply put, He came to save us. The HUGE forever kind of saving was born in the home of humble farm beasts, became God with skin on, and grew up to be... God with us. I must confess that some days, it's easier for me to grasp the great-big-forever-kind of saving from God than the God-with-us saving in the midst of the grit of my own humble life. Big saving? Yes! Daily with-me saving? I am trying.

I have been working hard to prepare our home for the upcoming holidays. Candy canes and twinkle lights adorn our old-fashioned Christmas tree, garland is draped from the banister, and the old antique sled with silver runners, glowing wreath, and worn-out ice-skates is propped on our porch to welcome guests. We have been playing our favorite Christmas songs to bring a festive atmosphere to our days. The other day, my daughter accidentally let a song "slip in" that we usually try to save for just before Christmas, but it gave me pause. Seven simple words sung by a children's choir have been playing over and over in my heart and mind. "We are waiting. We have not forgotten." This. Yes. It is no secret to anyone that knows us that the last several years have been extremely hard for our family. This past year, faith has been rattled to the core. We are waiting. I have fought hard for faith, deliberately, soldier-like. I have felt isolated and lonely, because I know the story of our life is wearing people out. I know, because it is wearing us out, too. We are weary. We have not forgotten in the wait. I know AMAZING stories come from people that have been on the brink. I don't mean any brink. I am talking to-the-bone, I don't know if we will be intact after this kind of brink. But I choose... we choose... FAITH.

When I looked up the definition for advent for this piece, one of the explanations stated that advent is "Christian theology- the coming or second coming of Christ." And there it is. We are waiting. We have not forgotten. We are looking for the coming of Christ right here, right now in this ugly-beautiful mess of life. HAS GOD FORGOTTEN? I know I haven't, but has He? Maybe everything in your life is good right now and things are going smoothly? I am thrilled for you! Soak in the lovely joy of life! But, if you are in the midst of pain, struggle, grief, disbelief, heartache, and you are wondering if God has forgotten, I want to encourage you. I need it myself, too. Please don't give up. I know sometimes things don't make sense, and life might look vastly different than what you pictured, and purpose might be the biggest mystery of all. Please choose to believe that God has not forgotten. Let hope spark, even if just a tiny little spark. You are not alone. Will you choose FAITH alongside me this advent season? As tenderly, carefully, and purposefully as I decorated our home for this season, God, too, has been tenderly, carefully, and purposefully orchestrating our lives. The story isn't finished just yet, dear one. Someday, it will all make sense, but even if it doesn't, I choose to believe that hard-fought for, bloodied, worn, transparent, but still miraculously intact faith, no matter how frayed or fragile, is one of the dearest things to the heart of God, and so are you. 

All is grace...always,
