Friday, February 18, 2011

My Small Beginnings

Do not despise these small beginnings for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin... Zechariah 4:10

A small introduction, and first peek into who I am...

I am not a writer. Being a writer is an honor that you must earn.  Writers tell stories, yet everyone has a story to tell.  What's a non-writer to do when the story must be told?  Write anyway.  If you are reading this, thank you.  I will try not to bore you to tears with my humble scratchings as my story unfolds.  I promise you that I will always be transparent, honest, and real.  I will be me. I don't really know how to be anything else.  Offering this blog is a very meager beginning.  I offer it with no agenda.  I am not seeking followers or approval.  I am simply allowing my life story to mingle and dance with the words on this page to reveal a bit of who I am.  

I chose the blog name "The Upside Down Pastor's Wife" for a reason.  I am sure I am not the only upside down pastor's wife, but truth be told I have yet to  personally meet the others.  It is very difficult to find people that are painfully honest about their humanness, especially if they are in ministry.  Right out of the gate I will say that I struggle with depression, failure (we're not talking small potatoes here), shame (we're not talking small potatoes here, either), regret, doubt, faithlessness, anger, rejection, pride, and abandonment.  I cuss (occasionally), drink (enjoyably), and have my nose pierced.  Despite all of my failures, regrets, and doubts, God has whispered in this very broken girl's ear that I am His daughter~ His little girl. Broken but His.  This is my excruciatingly small beginning into the world of blogging.  I hope God cracks a smile that I finally began.....